Sarah Rhoden

Your Functional Medicine Health Coach

Helping you achieve your weight loss goals.

”Hello! I’m Sarah Rhoden, a Functional Medicine Health Coach dedicated to helping individuals achieve their weight loss goals using a holistic, personalized, and scientifically-backed approach.”

My Story

My journey into functional medicine was inspired by my own struggle with weight and health issues. Through research, education, and determination, I discovered the transformative power of functional medicine – an approach that focuses on the root causes of health issues, rather than simply treating the symptoms.

This experience sparked a passion in me to guide others on their path to wellness, leading me to become a certified Functional Medicine Health Coach. As your health coach, I will be there every step of the way, offering support, education, and encouragement. Together, we’ll celebrate each victory, no matter how small, as you journey towards a healthier, lighter you.

My Guiding Principles


Empathy is the foundation of my work. I’m committed to listening deeply, providing a safe and supportive environment, and walking this journey with you every step of the way.


I believe that everyone’s journey to wellness is unique. As such, I strive to create personalized plans that truly reflect and cater to your individual needs.


As your health coach, my goal is not only to guide you but also to empower you. I’m here to equipping you with the skills and knowledge needed to maintain your progress long after our sessions.

My Approach

My approach as a Functional Medicine Health Coach centers on your unique health profile. I begin with a comprehensive assessment, establishing attainable weight loss goals tailored to your specific needs. Leveraging the principles of functional medicine, a personalized plan that includes diet, exercise, stress management techniques, and lifestyle modifications is then crafted for you.

Your journey with me extends beyond just following a plan—it’s about education, empowerment, and celebration. I guide you through the principles of nutrition and mindful eating, equipping you with the knowledge to take control of your health. I provide support, accountability, and together, we celebrate each milestone on your path to a healthier life.

Featured Resources



  • Improve Gut Health: Navigating Your Wellness Journey-

Click the links here: Vegan Ebook or Ominvore Ebook.  

  • 7 Ways To Boost Your Immune System- Click Here For Free Guide

Take the first step on your weight loss journey today!