1 On 1 Coaching with Sarah Rhoden

A Functional Medicine Health Coach

Your Personalized Path to Wellness

Initial Assessment

Your journey begins with a thorough examination of your health history, lifestyle, dietary habits, exercise routine, and existing health conditions.

Goal Setting

What do you want to achieve? Together, we will define your weight loss goals, taking into consideration your unique needs and circumstances.

Personalized Plan

Based on your assessment and goals, I will create a unique weight-loss plan that addresses your specific health issues and nutritional needs.


I will guide you through the essentials of balanced nutrition, mindful eating, and the impact of various foods on your health and weight.

Helping you achieve your weight loss goals

Personalized Coaching for Transformative Health

As a Functional Medicine Health Coach, I am committed to empowering you with the knowledge, strategies, and support necessary to achieve your weight loss goals and improve your overall wellbeing. Here’s what you can expect from my coaching services.

Your Personalized Path to Wellness

A Comprehensive Initial Assessment

I conduct an extensive exploration of your health history, lifestyle, dietary habits, exercise routine, and emotional well-being. This assessment helps us identify potential triggers and imbalances and forms the basis for your personalized wellness plan.

Goal Setting and Personalized Plan Creation

Our next step is defining your weight loss goals, considering your unique needs and circumstances. Based on these goals, I develop a personalized plan that addresses your specific health issues and nutritional needs. 

Education and Empowerment

I educate you on functional medicine principles, balanced nutrition, mindful eating, and the impact of various foods on your health. This knowledge equips you to make informed decisions about your health and lifestyle, fostering a sense of empowerment.

Support and Accountability

My role doesn’t end with planning and education. Throughout your weight loss journey, I provide ongoing support and encouragement, helping you stay on track. Regular check-ins and progress assessments are crucial for maintaining motivation and achieving your goals.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Embarking on a wellness journey can bring up a lot of questions. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of some of the most frequently asked questions I receive as a Functional Medicine Health Coach. If you don’t find your question here, feel free to reach out to me directly – I’m here to support you.

What is functional medicine?

Functional medicine is a holistic approach to health, addressing the root causes of health issues rather than just treating symptoms. It considers all factors contributing to health, such as physical and environmental influences.

How long does the coaching program last?

Coaching programs vary in length based on individual needs and goals. Most of my programs are a minimum of three months, but many clients choose to extend their journey to continue working on their health goals.

Can I still eat my favorite foods?

Absolutely! The focus is on mindful eating and making healthier choices, not eliminating your favorite foods. We work together to find healthier alternatives and ways to enjoy your preferred foods as part of a balanced diet.

Will I need to buy special food or supplements?

Your personalized plan may include dietary recommendations which could consist of specific foods or supplements. However, the primary focus is always on consuming a balanced, nutrient-rich diet from whole foods.

How often will we meet?

Typically, we have weekly or bi-weekly sessions, depending on your program and individual needs. Regular check-ins are crucial for maintaining motivation, accountability, and tracking your progress.

Can I still eat my favorite foods?

Absolutely! The focus is on mindful eating and making healthier choices, not eliminating your favorite foods. We work together to find healthier alternatives and ways to enjoy your preferred foods as part of a balanced diet.

My Approach

My approach as a Functional Medicine Health Coach centers on your unique health profile. I begin with a comprehensive assessment, establishing attainable weight loss goals tailored to your specific needs. Leveraging the principles of functional medicine, a personalized plan that includes diet, exercise, stress management techniques, and lifestyle modifications is then crafted for you.

Your journey with me extends beyond just following a plan—it’s about education, empowerment, and celebration. I guide you through the principles of nutrition and mindful eating, equipping you with the knowledge to take control of your health. I provide support, accountability, and together, we celebrate each milestone on your path to a healthier life.

How It Works

Initial Consultation and Assessment

We begin by evaluating your health history, lifestyle, diet, exercise routine, and mental well-being to create a complete health profile.


Personalized Plan Development

Based on your unique health needs and goals, I create a personalized strategy encompassing diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes.

Ongoing Support and Progress Tracking

I provide continuous support, accountability, and regular check-ins, assessing your progress and adjusting your plan as necessary.

Starter Package

A 3-month program perfect for those just beginning their weight loss journey or with short-term goals. This package includes initial assessment, goal setting, a personalized weight loss plan, bi-weekly check-ins, and ongoing education.

More Details

This comprehensive 3-month program is designed to provide an ideal starting point for individuals embarking on their weight loss journey or aiming to achieve short-term goals. Our package encompasses a range of essential components to ensure your success:

  1. Initial Assessment: Our team of experienced professionals will conduct a thorough initial assessment to understand your current health status, lifestyle, and specific objectives. This evaluation forms the foundation of your personalized weight loss journey.
  2. Goal Setting: Together, we’ll define clear and achievable goals that align with your aspirations. Whether it’s shedding a certain amount of weight, improving fitness levels, or cultivating healthier habits, your objectives will steer the entire program.
  3. Personalized Weight Loss Plan: Based on the assessment and goals, we’ll craft a customized weight loss plan tailored to your individual needs. This plan encompasses dietary recommendations, exercise routines, and strategies to cultivate sustainable lifestyle changes.
  4. Bi-weekly Check-ins: Regular check-ins with our experts will keep you accountable and motivated. Every two weeks, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your progress, address any challenges, and make adjustments to your plan if needed.
  5. Ongoing Education: Knowledge is power. Throughout the program, you’ll receive educational resources that empower you to make informed decisions about nutrition, exercise, and overall wellness. Understanding the “why” behind your actions will empower you on your journey.

By enrolling in this 3-month program, you’re not only embarking on a weight loss journey but also investing in your long-term health and well-being. Our holistic approach ensures that you develop not only the physical habits for success but also the mental and emotional resilience to sustain your progress beyond the program’s duration. Let’s take this journey together and help you achieve your short-term goals and pave the way for lasting change


Progressive Package

This 6-month program is designed for those with long-term goals or more complex health conditions. It includes everything in the Starter Package, with additional time for plan adjustments to align with your evolving needs.

More Details

Our comprehensive 6-month program is strategically crafted to cater to individuals with long-term objectives or intricate health conditions. This program builds upon the foundational elements of the Starter Package while offering an extended timeline and added features to ensure your sustained progress:

  1. Initial Assessment and Goal Setting: Just like our Starter Package, we begin with a detailed assessment of your health, lifestyle, and aspirations. Setting well-defined and realistic long-term goals will guide every step of your transformative journey.
  2. Personalized Approach: Your customized weight loss plan is thoughtfully curated to accommodate not just your immediate goals but also your extended objectives and unique health considerations. This plan encompasses tailored dietary guidelines, exercise routines, and holistic lifestyle adjustments.
  3. Bi-weekly Check-ins: Regular accountability check-ins remain a cornerstone of the program. With the extended duration, these bi-weekly sessions provide ample opportunity to celebrate achievements, address challenges, and refine strategies for ongoing success.
  4. Plan Adjustments: Recognizing that health journeys are dynamic, this program offers extra time for plan adjustments. As your body and needs evolve, our experts will collaboratively fine-tune your approach to ensure it remains aligned with your progress and goals.
  5. Ongoing Education and Support: Education remains pivotal in your journey. You’ll continue to receive insightful resources that empower you with the knowledge to make informed decisions. Additionally, our team remains accessible to address any queries or concerns that may arise.


Transformation Package

A full-year program for those committed to significant lifestyle changes. This comprehensive package offers everything in the Progressive Package, plus more frequent check-ins for maximum support and empowerment.

More Details

Our transformative full-year program is meticulously designed for individuals dedicated to making profound and lasting lifestyle changes. This premium package builds upon the foundation of the Progressive Package, amplifying its offerings and imbuing your journey with unparalleled value and unwavering support:

  1. Thorough Assessment and Goal Setting:  Just as in our other packages, we commence with an in-depth assessment to comprehend your health profile and aspirations. This information is used to set comprehensive, far-reaching goals that guide your path throughout the year.
  2. Personalized Approach: Your personalized weight loss plan is thoughtfully tailored to encompass every facet of your health journey. This extensive plan includes custom nutrition strategies, holistic fitness regimens, and lifestyle adjustments aimed at creating a sustainable, long-lasting transformation.
  3. Enhanced Accountability: With an entire year ahead, our enhanced program provides even more frequent check-ins to ensure your progress remains on track. These regular sessions offer vital accountability, fostering consistent commitment and motivation.
  4. Unlimited Access: To elevate the value of your journey, we’re thrilled to introduce unlimited access to our experts. Have a question, need guidance, or seeking clarification? You’ll enjoy unrestricted support whenever you need it, ensuring no roadblock goes unaddressed.
  5. Plan Adjustments and Evolution: Your journey over a year is dynamic, and so is our approach. We offer ample time for continuous plan adjustments, ensuring your strategy remains finely tuned to align with your evolving needs and aspirations.
  6. Comprehensive Education: Education remains pivotal. Throughout the program, you’ll receive an enriched flow of educational resources. These will empower you with a deep understanding of the strategies you’re implementing, enabling you to make informed choices independently

By enrolling in our full-year program, you’re embracing a transformative voyage that goes beyond weight loss—it’s about crafting a lifestyle that nurtures your well-being on every level. With this premium offering, you gain the advantage of unwavering support, guidance, and knowledge that extends to every corner of your journey. This is your opportunity to enact profound change, and we’re here to provide the tools, expertise, and encouragement you need to make the coming year the most transformative one yet. Let’s embark on this empowering journey of lasting change together.


Still have questions? Don’t hesitate to get in touch!